LeezTV Go هو أفضل تطبيق لتشغيل IPTV (البث التلفزيوني عبر الانترنت) لأجهزة الايفون واجهزة الاندرويد ,التطبيق أنيق جدا وجميل جدا و يعمل بشكل جيد جدا.
The app is free for life on the IPTV store
Buy your IPTV subscription:
In the event that you do not have your own IPTV subscription as m3u channels or Extreme information, then you first need to purchase an IPTV subscription, and we suggest you a strong Platinum IPTV subscription that includes all Arab and international channels, including Bein, OSN, My HD and Canal packages + And SKY and all other international channels with high quality without cutting, you can get your own subscription at a very simple price by contacting us from here: Contact US
Or you can view our subscriptions by clicking the button below